Targa Trophy 2011...

2011 is upon us and the Targa Trophy series of events is ready to go!!!

As we set to expand the Targa Trophy brand and offer you even more to see and do - we would like to introduce our newest event series...

For 2011, we bring you The Experience special event series - designed to give new and current patrons just a taste of what Targa Trophy events are all about and gear people up for our blow out TRIPLE CROWN main event this fall! For our premier Experience Event we are going back to where it all started in 2007 - San Diego - working with one of our original sponsors and long time friends Symbolic Motors. Also jumping into the mix is Hard Rock San Diego as our final destination serving up a chic venue to close the days festivities and end it right with an insane nightclub event at both their 207 indoor and Float outdoor rooftop nightclub venues. 

For the first time ever we are having a featured marque to set the tone for the event. LAMBORGHINI is the featured marque for the premier Targa Trophy - Experience Event and all LAMBORGHINI owners that sign up for the event will get a special gift courtesy of SYMBOLIC MOTORS & LAMBORGHINI added to their event package. 

These are the preliminary details - there is much much more TBA as we lead up to the event. Stay tuned to this FACEBOOK event page and www.targatrophy.com for updates regarding the event, sponsors and other vital Experience Event info.


Experience Event Stats

Vehicles - Targa Trophy is open to all makes of sports cars including Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Mercedes AMG, BMW M, Aston Martin, Bentley, Audi, Lotus, Viper, Corvette, select European & Japanese imports, classic exotics, muscle cars and unique one-off sports cars.

Start Location (Car Show/Rally Display - Start Line)

Symbolic Motors
Service Center Location
11455 Sorrento Valley Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121
Rally Circuit

100 miles of San Diego as only Targa Trophy can do!

Final Destination (Ending it with a bang!)

Hard Rock San Diego
207 5th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101

Experience Event Entry Fee -

Entry fee covers 2 people (driver and navigator)

2 Targa Trophy Special Edition Event T-Shirts

Targa Trophy Experience Event Sticker Kit

Targa Trophy Experience Event Gift Bags (1 per person)

VIP comp access to Targa Trophy Experience After Party exclusively at Hard Rock San Diego Saturday night. 

Special discount Targa Trophy Hotel Rates at Hard Rock San Diego for Saturday night.

+ much more TBA 

As you can see, Targa Trophy has a lot to offer this year. If you have any further questions, please visit the Facebook invitation page at the following link...